
Unlock your organization’s potential with our services

Ready to elevate your organization’s success? Let’s make a difference together. Contact us now for expert guidance and tailored solutions.

Feasibility and planning

A comprehensive study where we interview both internal and external key people to find out how best to proceed with a funding initiative. The Feasibility and planning study provides a good foundation to plan the initiative, and also creates a momentum for the continued process.

Strategic Review

A shorter internal study to create decision support and a plan to succeed with a funding initiative. It is often followed by an external phase where the internal ideas are ”market tested” against external key people.

Strategic workshops

A good way to quickly gain insights and to start formulating a joint vision among the key people in your organization.

Campaign planning and management

We help you to plan and execute a campaign with hands on support.

Prospect research

We help you to identify and create a plan for potential donors and supporters among individuals, private foundations and corporations.

Mid-campaign reinforcement

We help you during a campaign to strenghten your activities and reach your targets.

Strategic and operational consulting

Ongoing consulting towards leadership, advisory board or fundraiser.

Training and coaching

Training and coaching how best to work with fundraising, philanthropy and resource mobilization.

Interim management

One of our consultants is hired as an interim manager while you build up your own organization.


We help clients to recruit fundraising and development staff.

Schedule a call

Get expert fundraising advice with our free online consultation

Get a free online fundraising consultation from our expert team at Brakeley Nordic. Sign up now to achieve your fundraising goals.

Training and events

We curate inspiring activities for clients and interested parties to share best practices

  • Access cutting-edge industry insights and proven strategies shared by top professionals, empowering you to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Network and engage with like-minded individuals, fostering valuable partnerships and collaborations that can propel your success.

  • Acquire practical tools and actionable takeaways to optimize performance, drive organizational growth, and make a lasting difference.

  • August 22 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Detta kostnadsfria webbinar presenterar den fördjupande kurs som Brakeley anordnar inom ramen för det pågående projektet om filantropiskt stöd till kultursektorn.  Projektet genomförs med stöd av Kulturbryggan. Kursen riktar sig[...]

  • September 3 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Webbinaret ger en kort introduktion till fundraising, filantropi och resursmobilisering utifrån ett nordiskt perspektiv. Webbinaret riktar sig primärt till organisationer som vill veta mer om hur andra nordiska icke-vinstdrivande organisationer arbetar[...]

  • September 17 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Brakeley anordnar en fördjupande kurs inom ramen för det pågående projektet om filantropiskt stöd till kultursektorn. Projektets syfte är att ge handfasta verktyg till aktörer i det fria kulturlivet att[...]